Posted by Lori Ayre on September 23, 2009

Wow! Kudos to King County Library System and Bill Ptacek who won't take no for an answer. They got an award for $998,556 from IMLS for their project entitled "Empowered By Open Source." I'm proud to say I was involved in the writing of the grant, but I also have to admit that I recommended we go for a "planning grant" of $100,000 first rather than trying for the bigger award off the bat. But, once again, Bill was right, and the folks at KCLS (Jed Moffitt and Matt Carlson in particular) made it work.

roll up yer sleevesWhat excellent timing from the folks at IMLS!
I am SO rolling up my sleeves!

Project Title: "Empowered by Open Source"
The Open Source Library System (OSLS) and the open source model provide an alternative to the current proprietary integrated library system (ILS) software business model used by most public libraries. An OSLS empowers libraries to actively engage in the design and optimization of their own system software. The OSLS business model spreads the development work across a wide range of contributors, extends the potential pool of service providers, and empowers libraries to optimize service to their customers. King County Library System (KCLS), a nationally recognized leader in public library service and technology, will partner with Peninsula Library System (San Mateo, California), Orange County Library System (Orlando, Florida), and Ann Arbor (Michigan) District Library to create and develop the critical infrastructure components that have traditionally been provided by ILS vendors and will establish a peer-to-peer support model for open source libraries. The project will stimulate a growing community of libraries moving to an OSLS that will benefit from and contribute to software applications as well as the support infrastructure.
