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Obama: Insighful, Analytical Response of Bitter Elitist?
Posted by Lori Ayre on April 14, 2008
This whole kerfuffle over Obama's "bitter" statement demonstrates what is so wrong with the so-called journalists of today and politics in general. Here's another situation where we can only say....thank god for bloggers. Here's how David Coleman (a Huffington Post blogger) described what Obama was doing at the time the statement was made. Evidently the statement was made in response to a campaign volunteer volunteer who was going to go out and talk to Pennsylvanians on Obama's behalf. The question was "What should we be telling the voters we encounter?"
According to Coleman "Obama's response to the questioner was that there are many, many different sections in Pennsylvania comprised of a range of racial, geographic, class, and economic groupings from Appalachia to Philadelphia....he urged the volunteer to tell Pennsylvania voters he encountered that Obama's campaign is about something more than programs and talking points."
Here's what Coleman wrote that really drove it all home for me:
"The response that followed sounded unscripted, in the moment, as if he were really trying to answer a question with intelligent conversation that explained more about what was going on in the Pennsylvania communities than what was germane to his political agenda. I had never heard him or any politician ever give such insightful, analytical responses. The statements were neither didactic nor contrived to convince. They were simply hypotheses (not unlike the kind made by de Tocqueville three centuries ago ) offered by an observer familiar with American communities. And that kind of thoughtfulness was quite unexpected in the middle of a political event. In my view, the way he answered the question was more important than the sociological accuracy or the cause and effect hypotheses contained in the answer. It was a moment of authenticity demonstrating informed intelligence, and the speaker's desire to have the audience join him in a deeper understanding of American politics."
Meanwhile, all you see is the little clip that leaves all the intelligent context out and creates an impression of Obama that is diametrically opposed to what really happened.
Here's the whole Coleman post if you are interested in more.