The Pop-Up Map Studio is a one-day workshop that invites librarians and library staff to learn about mapping technologies AND build actual map-based, data-driven applications for use in their home communities. Throughout the day, attendees will alternate between attending informative workshops for beginners and intermediate mapmakers and building their own map-related project under the supervision of professional cartographers!
09:00 - 09:30 // Welcome Circle
Attendees will commit to a respectful day of learning and sharing, then introduce themselves and their goals for the day. We'll make connections between library attendees with similar goals or projects in mind.
09:30 - 10:00 // Workshop: Community Resource Mapping
We'll look at simple tools for building maps of local resources in the community, and discuss the benefits that mapping community assets can provide.
10:00 - 10:20 // Walking Workshop: Intro to the Global Positioning System ("GPS")
Shake off the morning doldrums with an accessible walking workshop around our venue's parking lot. Bring your smart phone and learn how satellites tell us where we are, and how that data can be used in a mapping project.
10:20 - 10:30 // Morning Break
10:30 - 11:00 // Finding Community Data
We'll investigate free sources of data, including the federal website, state and local data portals, the US Census Bureau website, the IMLS website, and more. Save these bookmarks for your reference department!
11:00 - 11:30 // Group Reflection and Project Planning
We'll meet as a group to discuss project ideas and potential collaboration between attendees.
11:30 - 1:30 // LUNCH & WORKING SESSIONS
During this two-hour period, attendees will self-schedule their lunch, solo or small group work, and attending map technology workshops related to their personal project:
1130 - 1200 // Building a Community Resource Map with Google Maps
1200 - 1230 // Mapping Library Data With Mapbox
1230 - 1300 // Mapping Community Data With Mapbox
1300 - 1330 // Building a Custom Map App With PHP, Javascript, and Leaflet
1330 - 1345 // Attendee Sharing Circle: Most important thing learned so far? Thing you still need to learn or do? (Facilitators will focus on these missing features during afternoon work consultations.)
1400 - 1430 // Presentation:
"Cool Map-related Programming Ideas for Your Library: Kids, Teens, STEM, and Adults!"
1430 - 1500 // Presentation:
"The Mapmaker's Toolbox: A Fast Demo of 25 Tools to Check Out When You Get Home!"
1500 - 1600 // Solo Work Session // consultations with facilitators as needed
1600 - 1645 // Closing Presentations // attendees will present their progress and share what they've learned
1645 - 1700 // Closing Circle // Attendees will share their lessons learned and discuss potential collaboration with each other on future projects