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Expect More World Tour
Posted by Lori Ayre on January 20, 2015
As I've mentioned before, I'm always looking for ways to make a bigger impact in libraries. Moving more libraries into a state-of-the-art materials handling systems is one thing but getting them to redeploy staff to more productive activities is another. You can't just move someone who's been working at a circ desk all their career to a position where they are working hand-in-hand with community organizations or expect them to develop non-library services or develop non-traditional ways of delivering traditional services. It's time to expect more from our library staff and our libraries, but it is a process.
One of the most outspoken librarians on this topic is David Lankes. Beginning with his book The Atlas of Librarianship and continuing with his second book, Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries for Today's Complex World, he has moved this process forward by asking hard questions and proposing a destination, if not a process, for where we need to end up.
So, it is with much anticipation that I announce that I am participating in an event series underwritten by Tech-Logic to promote the ideas presented Lankes' most recent book, and to engage the library community in a discussion about their needs today and how we can move the process forward. I'm excited about the project because the "Expect More" message resonates with me and it is one that more library folks need to hear and to discuss.
My partner, Cheryl Gould (Fully Engaged Libraries) is also participating. In her work, she helps library staff and library organizations break out of their mental models so they are open to new ideas and ways of thinking about librarianship. Her perspective will be an excellent addition, and her techniques will be employed throughout the series.
For my part, I am not there to promote Tech-Logic products. Instead, my role is to be on hand, as an objective technology consultant, and to discuss the ways that automation and self-service technologies can play a part in freeing up staff to "provide more." That said, I do give Tech-Logic credit for having the foresight to plan this event series.
Cheryl and I are both big believers in the "Expect More" concept articulated in Lankes' books and are delighted to be working with him. I hope this series kicks off some key conversations that will help librarians make better decisions, for their and our future. We need libraries and we need librarians. I expect more from our profession and I am grateful for this opportunity to contribute to the process of getting there.