Thanks for attending our PLAID3 Virtual Summit. We value your feedback and would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to complete this post-webinar evaluation survey. Your responses will help us improve future events and better serve the library community. Overall, how would you rate the PLAID3 Summit? * Excellent Good Fair Poor How relevant and helpful do you think the summit was in understanding the basic principles and capabilities of modern AI? * Extremely relevant and helpful Somewhat relevant and helpful Neutral Not very relevant and helpful Not at all relevant and helpful How useful were the examples and ideas presented for integrating AI into library services and operations? * Extremely useful Somewhat useful Neutral Not very useful Not at all useful How well do you think the summit addressed the ethical implications of using AI in libraries, communities, and society? * Extremely well Somewhat well Neutral Not very well Not at all well What improvements would you suggest for future events like PLAID3? (Please provide specific examples) Do you have any additional comments or feedback regarding the PLAID3 Virtual Summit? Leave this field blank Submit