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DOPA Should Die Quick and Painless Death
Posted by Lori Ayre on May 25, 2006
I couldn't agree with Mary Minow more when she says that DOPA should die a quick and painless death. As she notes, despite the fact that it is blatantly unconstitutional, that doesn't mean it won't pass. DOPA stands for Deleting Online Predadators Act of 2006 (H.R. 5319) Ed: broken link removed 2011. But it doesn't delete online predators at all. It deletes social networking for kids. Yes, as in MySpace, the hottest thing since iPods debuted.
DOPA seeks to add social networking websites to the list of things that must be filtered out if libraries are to receive E-Rate funds.
Mary posted a copy of the letter she's sending to her legislator because he's on the Subcommittee that is currently looking into DOPA. If yours is, feel free to borrow from Mary...I'm confident she wouldn't mind.