Report on CLA: RFID Vendors Answer the Tough Questions

At the California Library Association's Annual Conference, I moderated a panel of RFID vendors entitled "The Vendors Answer the Tough Questions."

The format was a pointed Q&A by me followed by some questions from the audience. In anticipation of the questions I posed to the panel members, I had sent each panelist the same set of questions and told them that, based on their responses, I would be picking who the respondent for that question would be.

Public Access Computer Security Tool

Nice work, Gates Foundation! They finally made their handy "pac installer" available to everyone. The PAC Installer used to be buried on their pacomputing website but they've hauled it out of the back closet and are featuring it on its own prominent web page!

Here's where it's at: . [Updated link 12/6/04]

Anne Lipow -- Goodbye and Thanks!

I learned this morning that Anne Lipow left us. What a loss for our side, I thought. When people like Anne die, you can't help but wonder where they are now. Are they reaping the rewards of a life well lived? Is Anne's heaven a beautiful space filled with good food and curious, intelligent, and generous souls all passionately debating important issues of the eternity maybe!?

Anne was once my neighbor. She lived across the street from us in Berkeley. She was one of the first librarians I ever really knew. And what a great example she was!

CalendarScript 3.2

Just bumped into a new calendar program called Calendar Script 3.2. I came across it on a library website.

I made a point of checking it out because of its nice clean look. Features include multiple views, multi-user support, repeating events, custom event type, templates, optional approval process, search. Read about more features...

Position Paper on RFID and Libraries

I recently took advantage of a term paper assignment for one of my classes (you did know I was in library school, right?) to study RFID very thoroughly. The result was a whopping 60 pager on the topic. That got whittled down to something a bit more accessible with the help of Beth Rosenberg, the managing editor of the upcoming book Wireless Privacy: RFID, Bluetooth, 802.11 to be published in early 2005 by Addison-Wesley/Prentice Hall. Simson Garfinkel is Rosenberg's co-editor.