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Statewide Library Delivery Analysis and Recommendations
Project Summary
The Illinois Library Association had been leading an effort to provide for cost-effective solutions to the changing library landscape in Illinois. After nine regional systems were merged into two (RAILS, and IHLS), they hired The Galecia Group to provide an analysis addressing how best to go forward with merging the delivery operations from each of the nine regions and to share best practices.
The study began with numerous interviews with stakeholders including attending the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference where Ayre attended meetings and presented library delivery best practices. Following the ILS conference, data was gathered in several areas: costs, how services were coordinated, the role of the ILS, transportation and route optimization, trucks and other equipment, materials handling and logistics, and sorting.
Following a thorough analysis of the data, a draft report was prepared. The draft report and recommendations were presented to stakeholders in each region (IHLS, RAILS as well as Chicago Public) and feedback was gathered. This feedback informed the final report, Future of Illinois Library Cooperation: Exploring Effective, Efficient Service Models.