King County Library System

Facilitation of Library Tech Summit

KCLS and libraries across the nation are facing many new pressures that push against core values and services. The confluence of fiscal, demographic, and technological changes is creating new challenges and opportunities for reviewing, redefining, and enhancing the services and delivery methods KCLS offers while remaining true to core values.


San Jose Public Library

Library Automated Materials Handling and RFID Consultation

Provided cost benefit analysis of RFID and automated materials handling solutions for reducing operating expenses and increasing customer service workflow efficiencies. Worked with library to re-envision interlibrary sorting and delivery operations.


Washington County Cooperative Library Services

Library Consortium Materials Handling and Collection Development Study

Conducted materials handling and collection management analysis. The project addressed space shortage issues, materials handling workload, how to reduce turnaround time and expand services, and ways to improve central delivery and sorting. The analysis will also included a comparison of RFID versus bar codes solutions and provide suggestions for how to implement AMH solutions into their libraries.


Sonoma County Library

Library Delivery and IT Staffing Consultation

Worked with library during a transition period providing IT management mentoring and IT staffing consulting. Also provided guidance on some facility remodel projects. Contract began with evaluation of interlibrary delivery services.


Multnomah County Library

Library Materials Handling and Collection Management Study

Multnomah County was suffering from overcrowding.  There were too many books for the shelves despite their aggressive weeding protocols.  To assist in finding solutions, Lori Ayre conducted a comprehensive materials handling and collection management analysis resulting in multiple recommendations falling into six categories:

  1. Automate the sort and delivery operations
  2. Create an off-site, just-in-time storage and retrieval system that is integrated with the sort operation.
  3. Add automated materials handling systems (sorters and self-service check-in) at the Central and regional libraries.
  4. Add stand-alone bookdrops and expand the size of the Delivery team.
  5. Make policy and procedures changes
  6. Expand self-service options.



Library Consortium Network and Integrated Library System Staffing Evaluation

Evaluated staffing requirements for system office of MARINet, an organization providing shared catalog (and other services) for six libraries.



Library Service Organization Technology Consultations

Managed numerous projects including rolling out computer labs, and establishing and managing the webcast program. Developed and delivered workshops on Computer and Internet Troubleshooting. Developed and delivered numerous webcasts on filtering and RFID. See Infopeople website for archived training material and webinars.


King County Library System

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Library Sorters

Compared costs and benefits of materials handling operations between two library branches that differed only in how they used automated systems to get the work done. Demonstrated a significant savings for library using automated materials return system.


Palo Alto City Library

Library Materials Handling and RFID Analysis

Conducted materials handling analysis. Provided recommendations and projected payback periods for implementing automated materials handling and RFID technologies.


Peninsula Library System

Library Consortium Home Delivery Pilot

Managed Home Delivery Pilot project, a project funded by an LSTA grant to evaluate the cost and benefits of providing home delivery for library materials. Project was cancelled due to integration issues with integrated library system.