Library Consortium Materials Handling and Collection Development Study

Conducted materials handling and collection management analysis. The project addressed space shortage issues, materials handling workload, how to reduce turnaround time and expand services, and ways to improve central delivery and sorting. The analysis will also included a comparison of RFID versus bar codes solutions and provide suggestions for how to implement AMH solutions into their libraries.

Library Materials Handling and Collection Management Study

Multnomah County was suffering from overcrowding.  There were too many books for the shelves despite their aggressive weeding protocols.  To assist in finding solutions, Lori Ayre conducted a comprehensive materials handling and collection management analysis resulting in multiple recommendations falling into six categories:

  1. Automate the sort and delivery operations
  2. Create an off-site, just-in-time storage and retrieval system that is integrated with the sort operation.
  3. Add automated materials handling systems (sorters and self-service check-in) at the Central and regional libraries.
  4. Add stand-alone bookdrops and expand the size of the Delivery team.
  5. Make policy and procedures changes
  6. Expand self-service options.

Wanna Lease Some Self Check Machines or AMH Equipment?

Like all things technology, your equipment will be ready for an upgrade within five years — not because it is falling apart (especially in the case of 3M equipment) — but because even better products will be available.  Rather than getting stuck with the old model, now you can simply switch the latest greatest thing after a few years and save yourself some cash.

Transforming Your Library With Technology - ALA Presentation

This was one of three presentations from the Transforming Your Library, and Your Library's Future, with Technology panel at ALA Annual 2007. The other panelists were Casey Bisson and Roy Tennant. This panel was part of the Libraries Transform Communities series. Washington, DC.

Our panel was part of the larger Libraries Transform Communities theme.

Report: Analysis of Cost Savings with Automated Check-in

Attached is the result of a study I did for King County Library System comparing materials handling operations at two very similar libraries: one with automated self check-in and library sorter, and the other using manual materials handling. The report (PDF) demonstrates significant savings at the library with automated check-in. It's short and sweet. Give it a read!