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Oct 13, 2006
Sep 27, 2006
Sep 18, 2006
Sep 10, 2006
Sep 7, 2006continue reading
Per BiblioTech, two more California libraries have decided to move to RFID. El Dorado County Library has chosen TechLogic and will roll out RFID as part of the construction of a new branch. Riverside County has chosen P.V. Supa. My concern with the choice to implement RFID today is that libraries may get stuck holding the bag when the data model standard finally gets adopted. The good news is that there is finally some progress being made in that regard.
Sep 6, 2006
Aug 31, 2006continue reading
I don't understand why there hasn't been a lot more enthusiasm for LibX, the Firefox extension because it TOTALLY rocks!
For starters, every public access computer should be set up with it and the library should be promoting it to their customers. It's an EASY WAY to bring your library to your customers via their favorite software -- their browser.
Here's what it does:
Aug 27, 2006
Aug 23, 2006
Aug 15, 2006continue reading
I love this quote from Tim Berners-Lee in an interview with Mark Lawson at BBC News when he was asked if the Web was really worth the trouble (e.g.