Cents and Sensibility: Will Your Technology Pay Off

Presentation at PLA 2010 in Portland Oregon with Gretchen Freeman (Associate Director for Technology, Salt Lake County Library) and Kathleen Smith (Projects Librarian, Fresno County Public Library)


E-Rate, CIPA, and Library Filters: What You Need to Know

The requirements governing E-Rate, CIPA, and filtering in libraries is often confusing.


Open Source - Free is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

First of a three-part series of webinars on open source library systems sponsored by Infopeople Califa, and the Open Source Library Consortium. The goal of this webinar was to help clarify the differences between the proprietary ILS model and the (then) new Open Source library system model, including what it means for the library staff and budget.


Empowering Your Organization

Presentation at KohaCon 2009. The goal of this session is to make sure people moving to an Open Source Library System such as Koha don't treat the change as "just another migration with a new vendor." The possibilities are endless. It requires a complete culture shift to truly take advantage of the possibilities. And, its exciting! Plano, Texas.


OSLS Software: Libraries are Doing it for Themselves

Second of a three-part series of webinars on open source library systems sponsored by Infopeople Califa, and the Open Source Library Consortium. The goal of the webinar was to help libraries understand why involving your organization in an OSLS project creates opportunities for delivering new services to customers and optimizing the work of your staff.


Open Source ILS Add-ons

Third of a three-part series of webinars on open source library systems sponsored by Infopeople Califa, and the Open Source Library Consortium.


Open Source-Open Libraries Consortium (and Related Stuff)

From a session at the 2009 Califa Vendor Fair on the Open Source - Open Libraries Consortium. There was no formal presentation. Instead, attendees were asked to choose the topics to be addressed in the short session. PPT slides were used to help answer those questions. Handouts that were available are included as the last three pages of the attached PDF.

Attendees chose the topic to be addressed from this slide.


Why Libraries Should be Considering Open Source

Mini-demo at California Library Association 2008 Annual Conference, San Jose, CA.


Delivery 2.0: By Any Means Necessary

Presentation at Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC) as part of their workshop entitled Any Means Necessary: Beyond Interlibrary Loans. Tampa, Florida.


Transforming Your Library With Technology - ALA Presentation

This was one of three presentations from the Transforming Your Library, and Your Library's Future, with Technology panel at ALA Annual 2007. The other panelists were Casey Bisson and Roy Tennant. This panel was part of the Libraries Transform Communities series. Washington, DC.

Our panel was part of the larger Libraries Transform Communities theme.